Annual Sales & Discount Codes FAQ
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions during our sale period:
Changes to any orders
We recommend customers to avoid making any changes after placing an order. Due to high order volume, we are NOT able to accept any changes to an order once they are submitted. If you wish to make adjustments to your order, please cancel your submitted order and place a new order. Please be advised if you have received a tracking number, a cancellation will not be possible. You will need to request an RMA number from our Return & Exchange page.
Multiple orders
Orders that are placed separately will ship separately. We will NOT be able to guarantee that we will be able to condense multiple orders into one shipment.
Cancelling orders
For security reasons, we DO NOT store credit card information. We will require payment information to cancel and refund any processed order.
In-store pick up
In-store pickup orders may take longer than expected to fill due to high order volume. We encourage customers who placed an in-store pickup order to wait for “ready for pickup” notification to avoid any wait time.
Concierge DeliveryDue to the high volumes of order expected, please advised that concierge delivery will take place within 2-4 business days. Please advise if there is any special delivery instruction, as we will not leave your order on your doorstep unless authorized prior delivery.
Backorder items
Discount applies to in-stock items only; no rainchecks and special orders are not eligible for discount. Discontinued items will be removed if the item is no longer available.
Discount codes
Sale savings cannot be combined with any discount codes including discounts for Arc’teryx, Oakley and Oath discount. Discount codes do not apply to certain brands and products. To view the full list of excluded brands and products click here.
Phone orders
Due to high volumes, we will not be able to accept orders over the phone during the sale.